U p c o m i n g E v e n t s
2024-2025 Season
September 29 | 5pm
Evensong at Groton School, Groton, Mass. (Conductor & Accompanist)
with the All Saints Choir and Groton School Choir and Dan Moriarty
October 26 | 6:30pm
Tunes, Tricks, Treats (Host, Emcee, & Organ Soloist)
All Saints Church, Worcester, Mass.
November 3 | 4pm
All Souls Evensong in Memory Barclay Wood (Conductor & Organ Soloist)
First Baptist Choir, All Saints Choir, Bala Brass
First Baptist Church, Worcester, Mass.
3:30pm Pre-Evensong Organ Recital played by Kevin Neel & Wesley Hall
November 17 | 3:15pm
Pre-Evensong Recital (Organ Soloist)
Cathedral of St. Philip, Atlanta, Georgia
November 24 | 4pm
Heritage Chorale: Duruflé, Martínes, Bruckner, Boulanger (Organ Accompanist)
St. Mark's School, Southborough, Mass.
December 1| 4pm
Advent Lessons & Carols (Conductor & Organist)
All Saints Church, Worcester, Mass.
December 6 | 8pm, The Church of the Advent, Boston, Mass.
December 8 | 3pm, All Saints Parish, Brookline, Mass.
Boston Cecilia: Comfort and Joy (Accompanist)
December 18 | 12pm
A Festive Performance of Holiday Music (Conductor)
Mechanics Hall, Worcester, Mass.
December 21 | 4pm
Worcester Youth Orchestras (Organ Soloist)
Mechanics Hall, Worcester, Mass.
December 22 | 4pm
Christmas Lessons & Carols (Conductor & Organist)
All Saints Church, Worcester, Mass.
February 23 | 4pm
Heritage Chorale: Pops Concert (Accompanist)
Temple Shir Tikvah, Wayland, Mass.
March 1 | 3pm
Boston Cecilia: Stories in Song (Accompanist)
United Parish, Brookline, Mass.
March 2 | 5pm
Treble Evensong: Farewell to Alleluia (Organist)
All Saints Church, Worcester, Mass.
March 23 | 4pm
The Complete Bach: Cantata 133: Ich freue mich in dir (Conductor)
Mechanics Hall, Worcester, Mass.
April 5
One Voice Festival (Host & Co-Director)
All Saints Church, Worcester, Mass.
May 4 | 4pm
Hymn Festival (Conductor and Organist)
with the combined choirs of Trinity Lutheran Church, First Baptist Church, and All Saints Church
All Saints Church, Worcester, Mass.
May 11 | 4pm
Heritage Chorale Concert (Accompanist)
Location TBA
May 17 | 8pm
Boston Cecilia: Tipping Point (Accompanist)
All Saints Parish, Brookline
July 6-11
Pipe Organ Encounter, Advanced (Program Director)
American Guild of Organists, Worcester, Mass.